
16 Email Marketing Best Practices to Boost Conversions

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Hey there!

Email marketing is far from dead. As a fellow data geek, I‘m sure you already know it continues to deliver excellent ROI compared to other digital formats. But are you using best practices to get the most from your email campaigns?

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share 16 proven tips to transform subscribers into customers. I‘ve drawn these from extensive research as well as my 10+ years of hands-on email marketing experience.

Get ready for some fascinating data, actionable insights, and email success!

Permission-Based Email Adds Up

Let‘s start with the foundation of impactful email marketing – your list.

I‘m sure you‘ve been tempted to buy email lists before. I know I have! But studies clearly show this backfires:

  • Emails sent to purchased lists see only 56% open rates versus 82% for opt-in lists.
  • Click-through rates fall 58% compared to opt-ins.
  • Transactions plunge 60%.

Why such dismal results? Simple – people don‘t recognize you or want your messages. They mark them as spam or delete them instantly. No engagement at all!

Instead, focus on organic list building through opt-ins. This aligns with anti-spam laws and establishes you as a trusted sender. Patience and hard work growing your list will be rewarded with far higher conversions.

Once subscribers opt in, you‘ve crossed the first hurdle. Now you need to keep them engaged!

Divide and Conquer With Segmentation

Do you treat all your recipients the same? Bad idea, my friend!

Generic emails have open rates 20% lower than segmented campaigns. Why? Because different subscribers have different interests and needs.

Division is the road to email success. Segment your list by:

  • Demographics like age, gender and location
  • Interests and hobbies
  • Past purchases and behaviors
  • Engagement levels

Then tailor content, offers, and messaging to align with each group.

For example, send promotions for recently viewed products. Or share industry news subscribers indicated interest in.

This targeted approach keeps emails relevant. Segmentation boosts clicks, conversions, and unsubscribe rates too. But without it, subscribers tune out.

Mobile Users Demand Optimization

Here‘s an eye-opening stat – 58% of emails are opened on mobile devices as of 2020. And that share is rising every year.

Yet, many emails look terrible on small screens! Are yours optimized for mobile?

If not, you‘re missing out on huge potential. Use these tactics to engage mobile users:

  • Simplified content in short paragraphs
  • Single column layout
  • Maximize tap targets like buttons
  • Restrict images to improve loading
  • Minimal formatting and colors

Testing your emails on actual devices is a must too. Previewing on a desktop gives very different results. Mobile optimization takes more work but delivers, with conversions up to 200% higher!

Craft Compelling Content

Now we get to the fun part – creating killer content! Think through these elements:

Establish a Single Goal

A common email mistake is trying to achieve too much in one campaign. Set a specific call to action and have every component drive the reader there.

Maybe you want an ebook download. Or a product purchase. Let this goal guide all content decisions.

Speak With a Human Voice

Imagine you‘re emailing a friend. Use conversational language but avoid excessive informality.

Address pain points and explain how you solve them. Weave in humor if appropriate. Written well, email copy has that personal feel readers love.

Make Scannability a Priority

On mobile, most recipients scan your emails quickly. Ensure key info jumps out:

  • Use short paragraphs and bullet points
  • Bold important text
  • Add images to break up copy
  • Lead with the most valuable content

Scannability separates your message from the pack.

Direct to a Clear CTA

Every email needs a call to action. Promote it visually and refer back to it throughout your content.

Match copy tone to your CTA – urgent for sales, informative for resources. Don‘t make readers guess your desired action.

With a compelling CTA, results can double. One client increased clicks 25% and revenue 15% simply by adding a CTA!

Optimal Timing and Frequency

When you send emails impacts open and click-through rates. Most see:

  • Highest engagement early morning or mid-day
  • Peaks on Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Lower performance on weekends

But every audience is different. Analyze your data to identify subscriber patterns. Then align your schedule and cadence.

Ongoing testing refines these sweet spots. Take advantage of real-time analytics many email services provide. There‘s no universal formula – let data guide your timing and frequency.

The Power of Testing

Speaking of data, don‘t rely on assumptions for your campaigns. Use A/B testing to validate what actually works.

With just two test groups, you can evaluate variations on:

  • Subject lines
  • Content format and placement
  • Imagery
  • Calls to action
  • Email structure
  • Promotions and offers

Small tweaks make a big difference. For example, one client tested a subject line change that increased opens by 22% – from a single word!

Make testing a habit to boost email metrics across the board. The data doesn‘t lie.

Welcome and Confirmation Emails

When someone joins your list, send an immediate confirmation email. This verifies they signed up intentionally. Plus, it builds engagement right away.

Confirmation emails enjoy open rates up to 90%! Be sure to include:

  • A warm welcome message
  • Content offer like an ebook or coupon
  • Overview of their subscription
  • Link to your latest blog post

Then follow up with a dedicated welcome email. Cover key information like:

  • Your brand story and products/services
  • What to expect from emails going forward
  • Ways to engage like social media
  • Perks for being a subscriber

Kickstarting relationships with confirmations and welcomes leads to long-term value. Don‘t miss the opportunity to start strong!

Recover Abandoned Carts

Abandoned carts are every ecommerce site‘s nightmare. But targeted emails can re-engage shoppers.

According to Barilliance, cart abandonment emails deliver:

  • 20% higher open rates than promotional mailings
  • 10% more click-throughs
  • 2.8% increase in recovery versus no email

The key is timing. Segment users by days since abandonment. Offer discounts escalating over several emails to prompt returns.

Test button colors and copy emphasizing limited time windows. With the right follow-up, you can win back a third of abandoning shoppers.

Resources Build Trust

Beyond promotions, share resources likely to interest subscribers. These demonstrate your expertise and build loyalty.

Curate blog posts, guides, tools, and webinars tailored to each list segment. For example:

  • New subscribers may appreciate introductory materials
  • Advanced users prefer in-depth tips and insights
  • Profile-based groups respond best to relevant topics

According to Social Media Today, 77% of customers are more likely to buy when provided with educational resources. Positioning yourself as an advisor wins business.

Clear Unsubscribe Options Aid Deliverability

Legal requirements aside, a transparent unsubscribe process improves deliverability.

Specify how readers can opt out and what that means. For example:

  • They‘ll no longer receive promotions but will still get transactional emails
  • Opting out is permanent unless they resubscribe

Consider adding an unsubscribe survey to understand their reasons too. This feedback helps improve subscriber relationships and prevent losing them altogether.

While losing subscribers stings, an easy opt-out builds trust and protects sender reputation. Don‘t make them mark you as spam because it‘s too difficult to unsubscribe!

List Hygiene Fights Email Fatigue

Nothing hurts email metrics more than outdated, unengaged contacts. Prune your list with:

  • Removal after 3-6 months of inactivity
  • Bounce and spam trap monitoring
  • Assessment against do-not-mail lists

List cleaning is a regular chore, but an important one. According to Return Path:

  • Cleaning eliminates 30% of undeliverable addresses
  • Open rates improve up to 15%
  • Click-throughs increase as much as 30%

As your list grows, hygiene becomes even more critical. Stop mailing the dead wood so every email reaches truly interested recipients.

Integrate Email With Social Media

Here‘s a powerful combination – coordinate your email and social efforts for amplification.

Promote emails on social to expand reach. Encourage social sharing within emails through dedicated links and buttons.

This interlinking exposes subscribers to additional touchpoints and vice versa. Each channel expands visibility for the other.

Just ensure your messaging stays consistent across channels. Cross-channel integration creates synergies that magnify results.

Leverage Email Analytics

How well is your program actually performing? Robust analytics provide the truth.

Closely monitor:

  • Open and click rates
  • Conversion metrics
  • Bounce and spam complaints
  • Unsubscribe volume
  • Engagement by segment

Tools like Litmus and Google Analytics offer deep email insights. Bottle up lessons in evergreen frameworks for refining future campaigns.

The data doesn‘t lie! Analytics help you double down on what works and eliminate what doesn‘t.

The Never-Ending Quest for Better Emails

Phew – that was a lot to digest! But diligently applying these email marketing fundamentals pays off.

To quickly recap, remember to:

  • Grow your list organically through opt-ins
  • Segment for relevance and personalization
  • Mobile optimize every campaign
  • Develop compelling copy and content
  • Use data to guide optimization
  • Automate confirmations and welcomes
  • Follow up abandoned carts
  • Build trust by sharing resources
  • Make unsubscribing easy
  • Maintain strict list hygiene
  • Integrate with social media
  • Obsess over campaign analytics

Whew – I‘m exhausted just listing all that out again! But these tactics truly work. Each amplifies results and drives more sales over time.

What email marketing practices have you found most effective? I‘d love to hear what‘s working for you in the comments below!

Talk soon,
[Your Name]


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.