
How to Know if Someone Blocked You on Snapchat?

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Have you ever noticed that one of your friends on Snapchat seems to have vanished from your feed and chat list? When you search for their username, nothing comes up. Poof! They‘ve disappeared.

Chances are likely that this person has blocked you on Snapchat. I know it can feel disheartening to realize you‘ve been blocked online. But don‘t take it personally! There are many reasons people block others on social media, and it‘s usually not meant as a personal attack.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll explain how to tell if you‘ve been blocked on Snapchat. You‘ll also learn why people block, what to do if you are blocked, and how to respect boundaries online.

So let‘s dive in and demystify the art of the social media block!

How to Know If You‘ve Been Blocked on Snapchat

Snapchat doesn‘t send any notification when someone blocks you – so how do you know if it‘s happened? Here are the top signs that you may have been blocked by another user on Snapchat:

The clearest indicator is if you search for their username in the Snapchat search bar and get zero results. I‘d search from both the chat screen and by tapping the magnifying glass icon on the main camera screen. If their username is nowhere to be found – it‘s likely you‘ve been blocked.

2. Your chat history with them disappears

Another tell-tale sign is if your entire chat history with that person suddenly vanishes. Poof, it‘s gone! Being blocked on Snapchat deletes all previous snaps and messages exchanged, both sent and received. So if you notice old chats are missing, that‘s a red flag.

3. You can‘t view their profile or story

Attempt to view the person‘s profile by tapping their name in your chat history. If a message pops up saying "Could not find [username]", it‘s probable they blocked you. You also won‘t be able to view any snaps on their public story.

4. Your snaps remain on "delivered"

Pay attention to the status of your sent snaps. If your messages remain indefinitely on "delivered" but never change to "opened", the person likely blocked you. Blocking prevents snaps from being viewed.

5. Their Snapchat score disappears

A user‘s Snapchat score shows their total number of snaps sent and received. But if you‘re blocked, their score will oddly show up as 0. So if you notice a previously high score is gone – that‘s suspicious.

6. You disappear from their Friends list

Ask a mutual friend to check if you still appear in the person‘s Friends list. If you‘ve been removed, it means you‘ve likely been blocked – as removing just deletes you as a friend.

7. Use a secondary account to check

Make a second Snapchat account and search for the person from it. If your main account is blocked but the secondary one can find them, it‘s confirmed.

So in summary – vanishing chat history, mysterious loss of scoring, and lack of searchability are the main signs you may be blocked. Now let‘s explore…

Why Do People Block Others on Snapchat?

Wondering why someone may have blocked you without explanation? Here are some common reasons Snapchat users block others:

  • Harassment. Receiving unwanted snaps, especially of a sexual nature, is understandably grounds for blocking.

  • Bullying. Hurtful comments, insults, rumors, or threats can cause someone to block an account.

  • Over-messaging. Constant one-sided messaging when the other person isn‘t responding can lead to blocking.

  • Unwanted advances. Repeated flirtatious messages from someone you‘re not interested in drives many to block.

  • Fighting. Heated arguments and relationship drama is often defused by blocking.

  • Creeping. Following someone‘s public story too closely when you‘re not close friends is off-putting.

  • Drama avoidance. Some block those who bring gossip, negativity, and toxic energy to avoid the drain.

  • Impersonation. Fake accounts and those impersonating others will get blocked quickly.

  • Stranger danger. Those who add others randomly without explanation may be blocked out of privacy concerns.

  • Post-breakup. After a romantic relationship ends, blocking an ex is common to enable moving on.

So in most cases, blocking isn‘t meant as a personal attack. People block to protect privacy, avoid harassment, and control who interacts with them online.

By the Numbers: Blocking on Social Media

How common is blocking on social platforms? Let‘s look at some telling statistics:

  • 24% of women have blocked someone online due to harassment or bullying. (Statista)

  • 47% of female internet users under 35 have been harassed or stalked online by a blocked person creating new accounts. (The Economist)

  • 71% of LGBTQ internet users say they‘ve blocked or hidden someone who was harassing them online. (Pew Research)

  • 37% of social media users say they blocked an ex after a breakup to get over them. (YouGov)

  • 55% of Millennial women have blocked an ex partner on social media to move on. (Mic)

So blocking is extremely common, especially among women and marginalized groups dealing with harassment. It‘s a standard safety practice many are forced to use frequently.

What Should You Do If You‘re Blocked?

Discovering you‘ve been blocked on Snapchat can certainly sting. Here are some tips for coping if it happens to you:

  • Respect their boundaries. Avoid trying to contact them on new accounts or other platforms. Continued efforts to interact could be considered harassment.

  • Reflect thoughtfully. Consider if you said or did anything that may have made them uncomfortable. Be willing to learn from it.

  • Give them space. Don‘t dwell on someone who doesn‘t want you in their social media circle. Surround yourself with positive people who enrich your life instead.

  • Ask politely offline. If appropriate, you can politely inquire in-person about why you‘re blocked. But be prepared to accept their reasoning without argument.

  • Wait patiently. They may change their mind someday and unblock you. But don‘t expect it. Focus on nurturing other friendships in the meantime.

  • Move on. The ability to block is part of having control over our digital lives. There are always new people to meet online.

Being blocked online is ultimately not about you – it‘s about the other person establishing their personal boundaries. The healthiest mindset is to respect their choice and channel your energies elsewhere.

FAQs: Get Answers About Snapchat Blocking

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about getting blocked on Snapchat:

Does Snapchat notify you if you‘re blocked?

No, Snapchat doesn‘t send any notification to alert you if another user blocks you. The only way to know is through the signs of getting blocked mentioned earlier.

Can someone see your Snapchats if they blocked you?

No, if someone blocks you on Snapchat, they won‘t be able to see anything you post – including stories, snaps, messages, or your public profile. Blocking prevents them from viewing your account entirely.

Can a blocked person see your Snapchat score?

No, blocking also causes your Snapchat score to disappear from the other person‘s view. They will not be able to see your total number of snaps sent or received.

Do you get notified if a friend removes you?

No, Snapchat doesn‘t notify you if a friend simply deletes or removes you from their contacts list. Your only sign may be disappearing from the list. But your chat history remains visible if only deleted.

Can a blocked account on Snapchat unblock you?

Yes, if the person who blocked you chooses to unblock your account, it will restore your chat history and add you back to their friends list. But only they can initiate an unblock.

Does blocking delete Snapchat messages?

Yes, blocking someone on Snapchat erases your entire chat history together. All previous snaps, messages, stories, photos and videos exchanged will be permanently deleted.

Can you see someone‘s story if you block them?

No, blocking someone also prevents you from viewing any of their public or private story snaps. And they can‘t see yours. All content is invisible in both directions when blocked.

I hope these Snapchat blocking tips have been helpful! Blocking can be upsetting, but it‘s often not personal. Focus on the positive, respect boundaries, and know your worth.

Wishing you many unblocked days ahead!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.