
How to Get Back Your Lost Snapchat Account

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Losing access to your Snapchat account can feel like the end of the world – all those memories and friends, gone in an instant!

I know how frustrating and scary this situation is from personal experience. But don‘t panic, friend. With the right steps, you can recover your Snapchat and get back to Snapping in no time.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you through everything you need to know to regain access to your account, no matter how you lost it. We‘ll cover:

  • What to do if Snapchat banned your account
  • Reclaiming a hacked or stolen Snapchat
  • Reactivating after accidentally deleting
  • Resetting a forgotten password
  • Recovering without an email or phone number
  • Extra account security tips

And so much more! By the end of this guide, recovering your Snapchat will be a breeze. Let‘s do this.

Why Snapchat Deletes Accounts

Before we dive in, let‘s first understand why Snapchat might delete your account in the first place.

The platform is very strict about suspicious activity that violates their Terms of Service. Possible reasons your account could get banned include:

  • Spamming/harassment – Sending unwanted snaps to people or being abusive.
  • Impersonation – Pretending to be someone else.
  • 3rd party apps – Using unauthorized tools like auto-swipers.
  • Shady activity – Strange login locations or passwords changes.

Bans are often temporary, lasting just 1-2 weeks. But repeated or serious offenses can lead to a permanent deletion.

If you think Snapchat wrongly banned you, here are your options:

  • Wait it out – Most short bans expire after a couple weeks max. Be patient!

  • Appeal to Snapchat – Explain your situation politely and request reinstatement.

  • Submit ban appeal form – Fill out the Snapchat ban appeal form with your case.

  • Share feedback – File complaints through the app or Snapchat‘s Twitter.

With some luck and persistence, Snapchat may reverse the ban. But if not, let‘s look at recovering an account you still have access to.

Recovering a Hacked or Stolen Snapchat Account

Getting your account hacked is incredibly stressful. But don‘t worry – with fast action, you can kick them out and recover your account.

Here are the steps to take if someone else gained access to your Snapchat:

1. Reset the Password

First things first, reset your password immediately. This will log out the hacker and prevent further damage.

To reset your password from the mobile app:

  1. Tap Forgot password on the login screen
  2. Choose to reset by email or SMS text
  3. Follow prompt to create a new, secure password

2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security, requiring a special code from your phone to log in.

To enable it:

  1. Go to Settings > Login Verification
  2. Tap Start for two-factor authentication
  3. Choose to verify by text message or authentication app

With 2FA enabled, hackers won‘t be able to access your account even with the right password.

3. Check Login Activity

You can view recent logins under Snapchat settings. Look for any unfamiliar locations or devices and change your password again if seen.

4. Update Personal Info

Change your username, password, email, phone number or anything else the hacker may have modified. Use brand new credentials.

5. Contact Snapchat Support

Finally, report the hacking incident to Snapchat directly. They can take additional measures to lock down and restore your account.

By taking swift action, you can kick out hackers and regain control of your account. Enable extra security going forward to prevent it from happening again!

Reactivating a Recently Deleted Snapchat Account

Accidentally deleted your account and now regret it? Not to worry, you have a 30 day grace period to reactivate it!

Here are the steps to recover a recently deleted Snapchat account:

  1. Log in – On the Snapchat login screen, enter your old username and password.

  2. Tap Reactivate – You‘ll see a message that your account is deleted. Hit the Reactivate button.

  3. Confirm – Review the info and confirm you want to restore your account.

And voila! Your Snapchat account will be instantly reactivated, no Memories lost. Just make sure it‘s within 30 days, or your account will be permanently gone.

Resetting a Forgotten Snapchat Password

We‘ve all been there – blanking on your password is super common. Luckily, Snapchat makes it easy to reset:

  1. Select Forgot Password – From the login screen in the app, tap Forgot Password.

  2. Choose email or SMS reset – Pick how you want to receive the verification code.

  3. Enter verification code – Check your email or SMS texts for the 6-digit reset code.

  4. Create new password – Type your new password and confirm.

Once you enter that verification code, you can instantly create a fresh, secure password. Memorize or save it somewhere safe this time!

Recovering Without an Email or Phone Number

Forgotten the email for your Snapchat account? It happens. Here are some tips:

  • Try logging in with old emails that you may have used in the past.

  • Use your username instead if you still remember it.

  • Contact Snapchat Support and provide ownership proof like old passwords, Snaps, friends list, etc.

  • Purchase receipt – Any old transaction receipts from Snapchat prove account ownership.

Without the original email or phone number, recovering your account is challenging but not impossible. Give as many details as you can to verify your identity.

If nothing works, unfortunately starting a new account may be your only option. Time to make some new Memories!

Strengthen Snapchat Account Security

After reclaiming your lost Snapchat account, it‘s wise to add extra security so it never happens again. Here are some of my top tips:

  • Unique password – Make it long, random, and unique to Snapchat.

  • Two-factor authentication – Require an extra login code from your phone.

  • Login notifications – Get alerts whenever your account is accessed.

  • App lock – Password protect the Snapchat app itself.

  • Account lock – Temporarily lock your account if your device is lost.

  • Remove third-party apps – Revoke access to any unauthorized services.

  • Caution accepting friend requests – Don‘t add strangers who may be scammers.

By being cautious and enabling some key security measures, you can relax knowing your account is safe and sound.

Common Snapchat Account Problems & Solutions

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about Snapchat account issues:

Why can‘t I login to Snapchat?

If your account isn‘t banned, Snapchat‘s servers could be down temporarily. Check Snapchat‘s server status and try again later.

How do I prove a Snapchat account is mine?

Provide personal details only the real owner would know – your display name, friends list, Snapcode, password reset receipts, etc. Purchase receipts also help confirm ownership.

I forgot my email and phone number. What do I do?

With no account details, unfortunately your only option may be starting a new account. Try contacting Snapchat support but recovery will be very difficult.

Someone changed my Snapchat password – now what?

Immediately reset your password again before more damage occurs. Turn on two-factor authentication for extra security against hackers.

Why is my Snapchat account locked?

Snapchat may temporarily lock your account if they detect suspicious activity. Simply reset your password or follow any unlock instructions shown.

How long does it take to recover a deleted Snapchat account?

If you reactivate within 30 days, your deleted Snapchat account should be restored instantly. After 30 days, it is permanently deleted.

Final Tips for Snapchat Account Recovery

Losing access to your Snapchat can be stressful, but take a deep breath – your account is recoverable! With this complete guide, you now have all the tools you need to get your account back, no matter the situation.

The key is acting quickly before your account is gone for good. So don‘t wait around – follow these steps to regain access and reconnect with all your happy Snapping memories.

Stay calm, be persistent, and your Snapchat will be back in your hands. And going forward, be sure to keep your account extra secure so this never happens again!

Let me know if you have any other Snapchat account questions. I‘m always happy to help unravel whatever issues you may encounter. Best of luck getting back on Snapchat!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.