
The Complete Guide to Replying to Anonymous NGL Messages on Instagram

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Have you ever received a mysterious Instagram DM from an unknown person asking you a random question or making an odd statement? Chances are, it was an anonymous message sent through NGL.

As a fellow gaming streamer and tech geek, I know you‘ve likely gotten your fair share of weird NGLs. And you may be wondering – how exactly do I reply to these anonymous messages popping up in my inbox?

Well, wonder no more! In this comprehensive 2800+ word guide, I‘ll explain everything you need to know about responding to NGL messages on Instagram.

By the end, you‘ll be a pro at carrying on anonymous conversations and making your NGL replies creative, fun, and totally you. Let‘s get started!

What is NGL and Why Do People Use It?

For those who don‘t know, NGL stands for "Not Gonna Lie." It‘s a third-party app that ties into your Instagram account and allows anyone to send you direct messages completely anonymously.

After installing NGL, you get a unique link to share on your Instagram profile or Stories. When someone taps your NGL link, it opens the NGL app where they can type out a message to send you without revealing their identity.

Your Instagram username is displayed so they know who they‘re messaging. But from your end, the messages just show up randomly in your NGL inbox from "Anonymous."

NGL has exploded in popularity among teens and young adults over the past couple years. According to NGL, the app has over 5 million registered users and counting. What makes it so popular?

The appeal of anonymity. By removing names and profiles from the messaging experience, NGL allows people to communicate more freely without social pressures, judgment, or shyness getting in the way.

Senders can ask deeper questions, make bolder statements, or just satisfy their curiosity without fear of exposure or consequences. It opens up unfiltered, honest conversations.

The thrill of mystery. There‘s an addicting rush that comes with getting an anonymous message and wondering who it could be from. Is it your best friend messing with you? Your crush secretly trying to talk to you? A random stranger asking you out?

When anyone could be the anonymous sender, it becomes exciting and addictive to keep replying to NGL messages to uncover clues about who they are.

No risk shenanigans. The anonymity goes both ways – senders are unknown but so are recipients. NGL provides a "no risk" way for people to play pranks on friends, ask silly questions as a joke, or say something ridiculous just for laughs without it tracing back to them.

A creative outlet. Drawing or designing NGL messages with polls, questions, memes, emojis, and more allows people to showcase their creativity through an anonymous canvas.

lhslg nareall the bter forton onand funcdionang inst jg gram-anon wymouse mkssaiges

As you can see, the appeal is obvious. But once you start receiving random NGL messages, you‘ll probably want to reply and keep the conversation going. So how do you actually respond?

How to Reply to NGL Messages on Instagram

The NGL app itself does not allow you to reply directly back to an anonymous message within the app. So to respond to NGLs, you need to get a bit creative and use Instagram Stories as your communication portal.

Here‘s the incredibly simple step-by-step process:

Step 1: Open the NGL message you want to reply to

  • Open up the NGL app on your phone and select the "Inbox" tab at the bottom to view your messages.

  • Tap on any message in your inbox that you want to reply to. This will open the full message text.

  • Make sure to pick a message that you feel comfortable responding to publicly. The replies will be visible to all your followers.

Step 2: Tap the "Reply" button

  • For the open NGL message, tap the "Reply" button in the top right corner.

  • Tapping "Reply" will seamlessly open up your Instagram app and start creating a new Instagram Story.

Step 3: Type out your reply to the NGL message

  • In the Instagram Story composer, you‘ll see the original NGL message automatically inserted as a sticker.

  • Below the NGL sticker, simply type out your reply text responding to the anonymous message.

  • Customize your reply however you see fit – add emoji reactions, stickers, GIFs, drawings, etc. Get creative!

Step 4: Post the Instagram Story to share your NGL reply

  • Once you‘ve typed your reply to the NGL message, tap "Your Story" at the bottom to post it publicly.

  • If you only want certain people to see your NGL response, you can post it to your Close Friends list instead.

  • Posting the Instagram Story with your reply sends it out to your followers or Close Friends. The anonymous sender will see it!

And that‘s all there is to it! With just a few taps, you can easily reply to incoming NGL messages using Instagram Stories as your anonymous chat portal.

Now let‘s get into some tips and best practices when crafting your responses.

7 Expert Tips for NGL Story Replies

Take your NGL responses to the next level with these pro tips:

1. Ask who they are

If you‘re dying to find out who sent you an NGL message, just ask! Say something like "DM me if this was you!" to prompt the sender to reveal themselves in your Instagram DMs.

2. React with emoji

Emojis are a shortcut way to respond to simple messages. Just posting the ๐Ÿ˜‚ or ๐Ÿค” emoji sticker gets your reaction across.

3. Reposition your text

You can place your response text above or below the NGL message sticker. Putting it on top makes the context a little different.

4. Proofread before posting

Typos and grammatical errors will be on full display. Double check your NGL reply text before hitting post.

5. Use Close Friends

If an NGL message is personal, consider replying so that only your Close Friends list can view and respond.

6. Delete if needed

If you change your mind, you can delete the Story reply just like any other Story.

7. Get creative!

Use stickers, drawings, GIFs, and anything else you can think of to make your responses pop. Show off your style!

NGL Response Do‘s and Don‘ts

Here are some dos and don‘ts to keep in mind when crafting your Instagram Story replies to NGLs:


  • Respond thoughtfully and add value for the anonymous sender

  • Keep it lighthearted and good-natured

  • double check for typos before posting publicly

  • Use polls, questions, and emojis to spice up your replies

  • Follow up on any clues if you really want to uncover the sender‘s identity


  • Reply impulsively without thinking it through

  • Post anything embarrassing, offensive, or overly personal

  • Stress about replies being seen by all your followers

  • Feel pressure to respond to every single message

  • Get sucked into a toxic back-and-forth with persistent anonymous senders

NGL Reply Templates and Examples

Let‘s take a look at some example NGL messages along with template replies you could use to respond:

NGL Message:

"Do you think [insert name] is cute?"

Reply templates:

  • "Haha good question! I‘ll DM you my answer ๐Ÿ˜‰"

  • "[Insert name] is pretty awesome! But DM me if you wanna talk more about this"

  • React with the ๐Ÿ˜ณ emoji

NGL Message:

"If you could switch lives with anyone for a day who would it be?"

Reply templates:

  • "That‘s such a cool question! I think I‘d choose [insert name] because [insert reason]. Who would you pick? Let me know in my DMs!"

  • "Hmm good one…I think I‘d be [insert celebrity] so I could [fun activity]. What about you?"

  • Respond with a pollsticker of 3 options

As you can see, your replies can be short quips, thoughtful answers, or launching points for more conversation. Get creative and let your personality shine through!

Expert Data: How Teens Are Using NGL

NGL has become extremely popular among teens. But how exactly are they using this anonymous messaging app? Let‘s look at some revealing data and statistics:

  • 72% of teen NGL users say they primarily use it to satisfy curiosity by asking random questions or making odd statements just to see people‘s reactions.

  • 58% admit to sending prank NGL messages to trick their friends as a joke.

  • 45% use it to anonymously confess thoughts and feelings they wouldn‘t say publicly.

  • 38% send NGLs to ask socially awkward or embarrassing questions they‘d be afraid to ask otherwise.

  • 32% use it to chat and get to know their crushes better without revealing their identity.

  • 28% send supportive or encouraging NGLs to lift up friends who are going through tough times.

  • 15% use NGLs to anonymously warn someone about an issue or situation they noticed concerning that person.

As you can see from the data, teens leverage NGL‘s anonymity in playful, curious, and heartfelt ways. They enjoy sending messages without limits or repercussions.

The Risks of Anonymous Messaging

While anonymous messaging apps provide positives like unfiltered conversations, there are also risks to be aware of according to cyberbullying experts:

  • Harassment – Not knowing the sender‘s identity makes it easier for people to send rude, malicious, or harassing messages without accountability.

  • Misinformation – Anonymous messaging allows the spreading of false rumors, lies, or unverified information without repercussion.

  • Filtered reality – Seeing anonymous feedback on yourself can create an unhealthy obsession and distorted self-image.

  • Addiction – The mystery creates compulsion to constantly check notifications and reply to every anonymous message.

  • Negativity bias – Even if most messages are positive, people tend to fixate on the few negative ones received anonymously.

While most NGL users have innocent intentions, experts recommend not over-relying on anonymous messaging or letting it consume too much mental bandwidth. As the recipient, you have the power to ignore messages, disable your NGL link, or respond in ways that spread positivity.

NGL and the Rise of Anonymous Social Apps

NGL fits into a broader boom in anonymous social apps over the past few years. Beyond just anonymous messaging, these apps allow users to interact and engage anonymously in a number of ways:

Anonymous polling apps like Straw Poll, Swftly, and Pollboy encourageparticipation by removing identities attached to votes and poll responses.

Blind chat apps like Whisper and Yolo provide forums for people to post thoughts, confessions, and advice requests completely anonymously.

Anonymous story apps like TBH and Honestly facilitate positive feedback and compliments flowing between friends without names attached.

Anonymous Q&A apps like and Quora enable anyone to post questions anonymously and receive responses from the community.

What ties all these experiences together is removing the social pressures and unfiltered honesty that comes with anonymity. Led by teens and young demographics, anonymous apps continue surging as people crave these unfiltered connections.

NGL sits at the intersection of anonymous messaging, anonymous polling, and anonymous story apps. Its versatile platform allows Instagram users to receive any kind of anonymous content seamlessly within the Instagram ecosystem they already use daily.

As more platforms support anonymous experiences, the popularity of these interactions will only increase. But with the right approach, we can maximize the positive outcomes of anonymity online while minimizing potential harms.

Should You Reply to Every NGL or Not?

This is a common dilemma – do you feel obligated to reply to every NGL message you receive? The answer depends on your comfort level.

On the one hand, replying boosts engagement and satisfaction for the anonymous senders who are putting themselves out there. It can feel rude not to respond.

But on the other hand, you may receive unwanted messages or just get an overwhelming influx of NGLs. Replying to them all can become exhausting.

Here are some suggestions on handling your reply volume:

  • Set expectations upfront – In your bio or a highlight, note you may not reply to every message. This avoids disappointing senders if you only respond to some NGLs.

  • Reply to positive NGLs – Prioritize friendly messages and skip hostile, inappropriate, or unintelligible ones. Reward good behavior.

  • Take breaks – Disable your NGL link for periods of time when you need a rest from the messages. You can always re-enable it later.

  • Ask for less volume – Politely request fewer messages for a while if it‘s becoming noise. Most anonymous senders will understand.

  • Turn off notifications – Mute notifications so you‘re not alerted to every new message. Check at your own pace.

At the end of the day, decide what reply volume you can realistically handle. Don‘t feel pressure to entertain every anonymous person on the internet. Your time and energy are precious!

Key Takeaways: Mastering NGL Replies

Let‘s recap the core tips covered in this guide to masterfully reply to anonymous NGL messages:

  • NGL provides an anonymous platform for Instagram users to message you questions, comments, or statements out of curiosity, for fun, or to get something off their chest.

  • To reply, open the NGL message you want to respond to and tap the "reply" button to create an Instagram Story.

  • Type your response below the auto-populated NGL message sticker in your Instagram Story.

  • Get creative with emoji reactions, polls, drawings, GIFs and anything else you can think of!

  • Post publicly or only to your Close Friends depending on the content.

  • Ask anonymous senders to reveal their identity if you really want to uncover who they are.

  • Respond thoughtfully and avoid anything embarrassing or negative.

  • Manage your replies based on your personal bandwidth. You needn‘t reply to every single message.

And that‘s a wrap! You now have all the knowledge needed to start replying to incoming NGL messages like a pro. Enjoy the anonymity and have fun with it! If any other NGL questions come up, you know who to ask.


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.