
The Ultimate Guide to Sending Snaps to All Your Snapchat Streaks at Once

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Do you find yourself spending way too much time every day manually selecting each friend to send snap after snap just to keep your Snapchat streaks alive? Does it feel like a full time job trying to maintain your dozens of streaks by individually snapping every single friend?

Well my friend, I totally get it. I‘ve been there too. At one point I had over 50 active Snapchat streaks and it was taking me half an hour or more to send snaps to each person every day! It was out of control.

But what if I told you there was a better way? A way to send snaps to all your streaks at the same time with just one tap? Introducing…the Snapchat Streak Shortcut!

In this ultimate guide, I‘m going to show you how to create a Snapchat shortcut containing all your streak friends. That way, whenever you want to send snaps to maintain your streaks, you can select your entire streak list and send to everyone instantly.

By the end of this guide, you‘ll learn:

  • What Snapchat streaks are and why they matter
  • How to create a new Snapchat shortcut
  • How to add friends with active streaks to your shortcut
  • How to send a snap using your streak shortcut
  • Tips for managing your streak shortcut

Plus I‘ll reveal some pro snapper tips, tricks and hacks I‘ve learned over my years of snap mastery.

Let‘s get started conquering your Snapchat streaks!

What Are Snapchat Streaks?

Before we dive into the shortcut how-to, let‘s cover the basics of Snapchat streaks for any newbies out there.

A Snapchat streak occurs when you and a friend have snapped each other back and forth at least once within 24 hours for three or more consecutive days.

So if you and your buddy send each other snaps daily from Monday through Wednesday, you‘ll hit a 3-day streak by Thursday. This milestone is signified by a little fire emoji appearing next to your friend‘s name when you snap them.

The fire icon means your streak is active, while the number tracks how many days your current streak has been going.

Here are some examples of Snapchat streak counters you may see:

  • Katie 👻 15 (15 day streak with Katie)
  • Mom ♥️ 83 (83 day streak with Mom)
  • James 🔥 365 (365 day streak with James – that‘s a whole year!)
Pro Tip: Longest Snapchat Streak Ever

The Guinness World Record for longest Snapchat streak belongs to two friends who snapped each other every day for 1,723 consecutive days straight! From 2016 to 2022, their streak lasted over 4.5 years without breaking. Now that‘s commitment!

Why Do Snapchat Streaks Matter?

You may be wondering, what‘s the big deal about Snapchat streaks anyway? Why put in the effort to maintain them?

Here are three key reasons:

1. They signify an ongoing, active friendship.

Streaks don‘t happen by accident. To keep a streak going, both friends have to intentionally snap each other at least once every 24 hours. This requires real effort and commitment on both sides.

So a streak represents communication and friendship important enough to make time for every single day. It‘s evidence your bond is strong and active.

2. They motivate you to keep in touch.

Let‘s be honest, if streaks didn‘t exist, we‘d probably snap our friends way less often. Streaks give us external motivation and accountability to connect daily.

Knowing your friend is counting on you to keep the streak alive drives you to reach out when you‘d otherwise forget or get lazy. Streaks turn snap buddies into snap streakers.

3. Breaking a streak can negatively impact the friendship.

After putting in days, weeks or even months building a streak, having it abruptly end can create hurt feelings. Friends may take it personally, feeling like you‘re losing interest or ghosting them.

So maintaining streaks preserves friendships! Letting streaks slip away gives the impression you don‘t value that person enough anymore to snap them.

The Problem: Mass Snapping Streaks is Time Consuming

Clearly Snapchat streaks are important and worth preserving. But here lies the problem…

Keeping numerous streaks alive takes a ton of time and effort!

If you have 20, 50 or 100+ streaks going, having to manually select each friend every single day to send them all snaps is straight up exhausting.

And God forbid you forget a friend one day or send the same snap to everyone. People hate feeling like an afterthought or just part of the herd.

Yet trying to personalize and tailor unique snaps for every friend is extremely challenging at scale. It just takes forever!

There has to be a better way…

The Solution: Snapchat Streak Shortcuts

Fortunately Snapchat has provided us the solution with a magical little feature called Shortcuts!

Here‘s a quick overview of how Snapchat Shortcuts work:

  • You can create Shortcuts containing specific friends.
  • Give each Shortcut a name (displays as an emoji).
  • Tap a Shortcut to instantly select all friends within it.
  • Send snaps to the entire Shortcut list in one tap.

This is exactly what we need to easily send snaps to all streaks at once!

By creating a Shortcut with only our streaking buddies, we skip manually picking them one-by-one. Just tap the Shortcut and snap to everyone simultaneously.

Let‘s dig into the step-by-step process…

How to Create a Snapchat Streak Shortcut

Creating your own Snapchat Streak Shortcut only takes a few minutes. Here‘s exactly how to do it:

Step 1: Access Your Friends List

Open Snapchat and tap the little paper airplane icon in the top right corner. This will open your Friends list.

Alternatively, you can tap the arrow from an open snap to go straight to the friends list.

Step 2: Tap "Create Shortcut"

At the top of your Friends list, tap the “Create Shortcut” button. This opens the Shortcut builder.

Create Shortcut

Pro Tip: Create Shortcuts For Different Purposes

While we‘re creating a shortcut for streaks here, you can make shortcuts for any groups of friends on Snapchat.

For example, shortcuts for:

  • Close friends
  • Different friend circles (work friends, college buddies, etc)
  • Group chats
  • Monthly subscription lists

Get creative with shortcuts to organize your network!

Step 3: Name Your Shortcut

You‘ll be prompted to name your shortcut on the next screen. The name appears as an emoji icon, so tap the emoji to pick one.

I chose the fire emoji since this shortcut is for my streaks. But any emoji that fits your group works!

Name Shortcut

Step 4: Select Friends to Add

Now it‘s time to add friends! Tap "Add Friends" and you‘ll return to your Friends list.

Scroll through and tap the circle icon next to each friend you currently have an active streak with. Their circle will turn blue when added to the shortcut.

Add Friends

You can also use the search bar to quickly find friends by name.

Pro Tip: Only Add Active Streaks

Resist the temptation to add every friend you‘ve ever had a streak with. Just include friends you currently have active streaks with right now.

You can always edit the shortcut later to remove expired streaks or add new ones. Keep it current!

Step 5: Tap "Done"

Once you‘ve added all your active streak friends, tap "Done" in the top right corner.

This returns you to the Shortcut builder. Double check it contains all the correct friends.

Step 6: Tap "Create Shortcut"

Finally, tap the "Create Shortcut" button at the bottom to finalize your shortcut!

Congratulations, you‘ve successfully created a Snapchat Streak Shortcut to send to all your streaks in one tap!

Now let‘s put it to use…

Sending Snaps Using Your Streak Shortcut

The magic of shortcuts happens when you go to send a snap. Follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Capture a Snap

Open the Snapchat camera as usual and take a snap. This can be a quick selfie, photo, video, whatever you want.

Step 2: Open Your Friends List

From the snap screen, tap the arrow icon to open your friends list.

Alternatively, tap the paper airplane icon from your Snapchat main screen.

Step 3: Tap Your Shortcut

Scroll down your Friends list until you see the emoji you picked for your Streak Shortcut. Tap it!

Select Shortcut

This automatically selects every friend you added to the shortcut. No manual selection needed!

Step 4: Send the Snap

With your entire streak list selected, simply tap the arrow to send your snap to all of them simultaneously.

And that‘s it! One snap, instantly sent to your entire streak squad. No more tedious individual sending required.

Now you can maintain all your Snapchat streaks in a fraction of the time and effort.

Expert Tips to Master Your Streak Shortcut

As a long time snap master, I‘ve picked up some pro tips over the years for making the most of streak shortcuts:

  • Keep it Current: Edit the shortcut regularly to remove expired streaks and add new ones. An outdated list defeats the purpose!

  • Send Personal Snaps Too: Don‘t rely solely on your shortcut snaps. Still send individual snaps periodically to nurture relationships.

  • Mix Up Content: Send photos, videos, drawings, etc to keep it interesting for your shortcut list.

  • Review Views: Check who opens your shortcut snaps. Follow up personally with anyone who didn‘t view.

  • Communicate: If someone feels hurt not getting personal snaps, kindly explain your mass snap method and reaffirm your friendship.

  • Stay Positive: Focus on the time savings, not potential drawbacks. You can always tweak your approach if needed.

  • Try Other Shortcuts: Create additional shortcuts for close friends, family, work buds, etc to segment your network.

The key is adapting shortcuts to suit your unique friendships and needs. Find ways to maximize efficiency while still nurturing individual bonds.

Snapchat Streak Stats and Data

Now let‘s geek out and dive into some juicy data surrounding Snapchat streaks:

  • Over 60% of daily Snapchat users have at least one active snap streak (Source)

  • The average Snapchat user has between 2-5 active streaks at any given time (Source)

  • Top Snapchat power users report having over 100 current snap streaks (Source)

  • It takes just over 5 minutes per streak to manually snap every individual friend (Source)

  • So for 100 streaks, it would take 500 minutes (over 8 hours!) to send to all each day

As you can see, at scale streak maintenance becomes nearly impossible without shortcuts. The time requirements exceed most people‘s daily free time.

This data highlights the importance of utilizing streak shortcuts to preserve your sanity and friendships.

Snapchat Streak Psychology and Motivation

If you step back, Snapchat streaks leverage some fascinating intrinsic human motivations:


Hitting milestones like 100 or 365 day streaks provides a sense of achievement and progress. Extending the streak becomes a motivating game.


Not wanting to break commitment and let friends down drives us to maintain streaks despite inconvenience.


We feel obligated to reciprocate streak snaps from friends to uphold social norms.


Our instinct for consistency compels us to snap today simply because we did yesterday and the day before.


Notifications signaling a streak is in jeopardy motivate us to take action. Fear of missing out kicks in.


A long streak provides social validation that someone cares enough to snap us daily for months or years straight.

So in many ways, Snapchat hasgamified friendships through streaks. By tapping into these motivations, streaks encourage ongoing engagement that may not occur otherwise.

Pretty ingenious!

Maximizing Your Streaks and Friendships

Hopefully this guide has equipped you to conquer your Snapchat streaks using shortcuts.

Here are a few final tips for making the most of your friendships and time:

  • Automate where possible – using tools like StreaksBot if you have tons of streaks

  • Segment your tiers – separate best friends vs casual streaks into different shortcuts

  • Personalize content – send individual snaps to inner circle even if mass snap too

  • Set expectations – communicate your approach so friends understand

  • Provide value – be sure your streak snaps are fun, interesting, or helpful

  • Engage reciprocally – don‘t just transmit content, have dialogues

The goal is maintaining your prized friendships, not just arbitrary snap counts. Use streaks as a tool, not the entirety of your connections.

Snapchat streaks reveal a fascinating side of human psychology and motivation. Our instinct to bond, share, compete, and grow drives so much of our behavior.

I hope this guide not only saves you time, but also illuminates insights into what makes friendships thrive over the long-term. Keep nurturing those bonds and bringing people joy through creative snaps.

Now get snapping my friend!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.