
How to Set Price Alerts on Coinbase: The Complete Guide

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Hey there! As a crypto enthusiast, keeping up with the latest market movements is crucial. But we all have lives outside of staring at charts right?

Well don‘t worry, I‘ve got you covered!

In this detailed guide, I‘ll walk you through everything you need to know about setting up custom price alerts on Coinbase.

With the ability to get notified whenever your chosen coins hit key price thresholds, you‘ll never miss another opportunity (or risk)!

I‘ll also be sharing some pro tips, additional context, and answering common questions people have around Coinbase alerts.

By the end of this guide, you‘ll be alerted like a pro when your cryptocurrencies reach the ideal buy or sell price points you want to hit. Let‘s dive in!

Here‘s What I‘ll Cover:

  • What Are Coinbase Price Alerts and Why Are They Useful?
  • Step-by-Step Instructions to Set Up Alerts on Mobile
  • Managing Existing Alerts on Desktop
  • How to Create Alerts for Coinbase Pro
  • Useful Context and Pro Tips for Coinbase Alerts
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Alright, let‘s start with the basics…

What Are Coinbase Price Alerts and Why Are They Useful?

Coinbase price alerts allow you to get notified whenever the price of a cryptocurrency you own hits a specific high or low threshold.

For example, you could set an alert for:

  • Bitcoin rising above $25,000
  • Ethereum dipping below $1,700
  • Solana hitting a new all-time high

Pretty useful right? Here are some key benefits of Coinbase alerts:

Track prices on-the-go – Receive push notifications on your phone whenever your alerts trigger, even while you‘re on the move.

Take timely actions – Price alerts allow you to seize opportunities (or mitigate risks) by taking actions when price thresholds are crossed.

Remove price anxiety – No need to constantly check charts! Alerts let you relax while still staying updated on significant price movements.

Monitor multiple cryptos – Track as many coins as you want instead of being glued to one asset.

Free to use – Coinbase alerts are completely free! The only exception is SMS text alerts which may incur standard text messaging fees.

Available 24/7 – Coinbase price alerts work around the clock, allowing you to stay in tune with the crypto markets day and night.

Customizable – Tailor alerts to your specific price points and notification preferences.

Now that you know the main benefits, let‘s look at how to actually set up the alerts…

Step-by-Step: How to Set Up Price Alerts on Coinbase Mobile

Coinbase currently only allows creating new price alerts via the mobile app. But you can manage existing alerts on both mobile and desktop.

Here are the steps to set up alerts on your iPhone or Android phone:

Step 1: Add Cryptos You Want to Track to Your Watchlist

Open the Coinbase app and tap on "Prices" at the bottom to see your watchlist. If the crypto you want alerts for isn‘t already added, use the "+" icon to search for it and add it.

Having coins on your watchlist is necessary for setting price alerts on them.

Add Cryptos to Coinbase Watchlist

Step 2: Go to Your Account Settings

From your watchlist tab, tap on your profile icon in the top right corner and select "Settings". This is where you‘ll configure alerts.

Step 3: Tap on Notifications

In Settings, choose "Notifications" to open notification management.

Step 4: Scroll Down and Select Price Alerts

Scroll down until you see the "Price alerts" section. Tap on it to go to alert configuration.

Step 5: Tap on "Add Alert" to Create a New Alert

This will open the Price Alert creation window where you‘ll set up the details.

Step 6: Set Up Your Alert Details

  • Select cryptocurrency – Choose which coin you want an alert for.

  • Set price threshold – Enter the price in USD that will trigger a notification.

  • Pick above or below – Select if you want to get notified when the price reaches above or below your set threshold.

  • Choose notification type – Opt for push, email, and/or SMS text alerts.

Once done, tap "Create Alert" and you‘re all set! You can create multiple alerts by repeating these steps.

Configure Coinbase Price Alert Details

And that‘s all it takes to start receiving price alerts for your coins directly from Coinbase. Pretty easy right?

Next, let‘s look at how to manage alerts from desktop…

Managing Existing Price Alerts on Coinbase Desktop

While you can‘t create fresh Coinbase alerts on the desktop site, you can view and manage any existing alerts.

Here‘s how:

Step 1: Access Account Settings

Click on your profile picture on the top right and select "Settings" from the dropdown menu.

Step 2: Choose Notifications

On the left sidebar under "Preferences", click on "Notifications" to go to your alerts dashboard.

Step 3: View and Edit Alerts

Here you can see all alerts created on mobile, along with details like crypto, trigger price, and notification type. You can edit or delete alerts as required.

To change an alert, simply click "Edit alert" and modify the details.

So in a nutshell, the desktop site allows you to easily monitor and customize alerts originally set up on mobile.

Now let‘s talk about alerts for Coinbase Pro…

Setting Up Price Alerts on Coinbase Pro

Coinbase Pro is the exchange platform designed for advanced crypto traders. You can also create custom price alerts here:

Step 1: Access Coinbase Pro

Go to and log in to your Coinbase Pro account.

Step 2: Click on Notification Bell Icon

At the top right corner, click on the bell icon next to your username to open notifications center.

Step 3: Choose Price Alerts

From the left sidebar, choose "Price alerts" to open the alerts dashboard.

Step 4: Click on "Create New Alert"

This will open the alert creation window.

Step 5: Set Up Alert Details

  • Select trading pair (ex: BTC-USD)

  • Enter trigger price

  • Pick above or below

  • Choose notification channels

Step 6: Confirm Alert

Double check details and click "Confirm" to finish setting up the price alert!

The main advantage of Pro alerts is you can create them directly on desktop. The process is very similar to doing it on Coinbase mobile.

Now that you know how to setup Coinbase price alerts, let‘s go over some useful context and pro tips…

Price Alerts – Useful Context and Pro Tips

Here some additional pointers to help you get the most out of Coinbase alerts:

  • Receive alerts within minutes – You‘ll usually get notified within 5-10 minutes of your price condition being met. But delays are possible during times of high market volatility.

  • Use realistic price thresholds – Set alert price points that are reasonable so you don‘t get spammed with notifications on normal price fluctuations.

  • Turn on app notifications – Ensure notifications are enabled for the Coinbase app on your phone to actually receive alerts.

  • Customize notification channels – For redundant alerts, use both Push and Email or SMS text messages.

  • Watch out for fees – Email and push alerts are free, but you may incur standard SMS fees from your carrier.

  • Check log for triggered alerts – The notification log shows you when each of your alerts have been triggered.

  • Test alerts frequently – Occasionally test your alerts by changing trigger prices to ensure they are working as expected.

  • Don‘t overdo it! – Start with 3-5 price alerts per crypto to avoid getting overwhelmed with notifications. You can always add more later!

Properly configuring your alerts and staying on top of notifications takes some work. But in the long run, it keeps you informed on price movements so you can make better trading decisions!

Now let‘s look at some common questions about Coinbase price alerts:

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions about Coinbase alerts:

How many price alerts can I create?

There is no set limit, but Coinbase recommends keeping alerts reasonable. Most users have 3-10 alerts configured per crypto.

Can I customize alert ringtones or sounds?

Unfortunately no – Coinbase does not currently offer custom sound options for their alerts.

Do alerts work if my phone is on silent/DND mode?

No, you need to have sound/notifications enabled to receive alerts. Silent and DND will block them.

Will I get notified if Coinbase mobile app is closed?

Yes, you will still receive the alerts as long as notifications are enabled for the app on your device.

Can I set alerts for coins not listed on Coinbase?
No, alerts only work for cryptocurrencies currently tradable on the Coinbase platform.

What happens if I delete the Coinbase app?

Any alerts you‘ve configured will be permanently deleted and unrecoverable if you uninstall the app.

Can I get alerts on coin price in currencies other than USD?

At present, Coinbase alerts only support setting price thresholds in USD. Other currency options are not available.

How does Coinbase send SMS text alerts?

It uses your registered mobile number to send automated SMS messages whenever alert conditions are fulfilled.

And that sums up the key things you should know about Coinbase price alerts!

The ability to receive notifications when your coins hit key price levels lets you capitalize on opportunities faster and stay ahead of the markets.

Now you‘ve got all the tools to set up price alerts tailored to your specific crypto investing strategy and trading style.

Here‘s a quick recap of the key points we covered:

  • Price alerts deliver notifications when your coins hit set price thresholds
  • Create new alerts only via Coinbase mobile app
  • Manage existing alerts on Coinbase desktop site
  • Enable notifications for timely updates
  • Use alerts to seize profitable opportunities
  • Customize alerts based on your needs & strategy

With Coinbase price alerts, you‘ll gain an informational edge to trade crypto more effectively!

Hope you found this guide helpful and enjoy putting your new alert-making skills into practice. Happy Coinbase price alerting!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.