
How to Buy Land in Decentraland: The Complete Guide for 2023

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So you want to dive into the metaverse and buy your own piece of virtual real estate? Purchasing LAND in Decentraland is an exciting way to become an early adopter in this new digital frontier.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you through everything you need to know to securely buy, own, and develop virtual land in Decentraland.

Let‘s get started!

What Exactly is Decentraland?

For those new to the concept, Decentraland is a blockchain-based virtual world where users can explore 3D environments, play games, and even buy and develop virtual real estate.

It runs on the Ethereum blockchain and uses ERC-721 non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to represent digital assets like land parcels, avatars, wearables etc. This allows true digital ownership unlike traditional centralized virtual worlds.

LAND parcels are the core real estate assets within Decentraland. By owning LAND tokens, you have full control over that piece of the metaverse. You can build on it, rent it out, sell it – the possibilities are endless.

Now let‘s look at how to actually buy land in this revolutionary virtual world.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Cryptocurrency Wallet

To purchase LAND or any other assets in Decentraland, you‘ll first need to connect a cryptocurrency wallet. This allows you to securely transact on the blockchain.

The top 2 wallet options recommended for use with Decentraland are:

  1. MetaMask – A browser extension wallet that conveniently connects with the Decentraland marketplace. It supports ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens.

  2. Trust Wallet – A popular mobile app wallet fully compatible with Decentraland and other dApps. Provides robust security.

When setting up your wallet, be sure to carefully note down and securely store your seed phrase (12 or 24 recovery words). This gives you access to the wallet in case you ever lose access.

Once your wallet is ready, it‘s time to fund it…

Step 2: Getting Cryptocurrency (ETH or MANA) for Your Wallet

You‘ll need some crypto in your wallet to purchase LAND parcels and other goods in Decentraland. You have two options:

  1. Ethereum (ETH) – The base cryptocurrency of the Ethereum blockchain. You can directly use ETH to buy LAND and other items.

  2. MANA – Decentraland‘s native token. MANA typically has lower transaction fees, making it more efficient for purchases.

You can buy ETH or MANA from any major crypto exchange like Coinbase or Binance and send them to your wallet address. For example, here‘s how to buy Ethereum on Coinbase.

Alternatively, you can purchase crypto directly in your wallet via services like MoonPay or Wyre, avoiding exchanges entirely.

Once you have ETH or MANA in your wallet, you‘re ready for the exciting part – buying virtual land!

Step 3: Creating Your Decentraland Account

Head over to and connect your MetaMask or Trust Wallet to create a new account.

You can also use email or connect with a social media account like Facebook or Google to sign up. Just remember to link your wallet afterwards so you can transact.

Once your account is ready, it‘s time to browse the LAND marketplace…

Step 4: Browsing Land Parcels and Prices in Decentraland

Click on the LAND tab and then the "Buy LAND" button to visit Decentraland‘s LAND marketplace. This shows you all land parcels currently for sale and auction.

You can filter land listings based on price, size, proximity to districts, and other attributes. Different locations have vastly different valuations.

For example, land next to popular areas like the Crypto Valley, Vegas City, or Dragon City is far pricier than undeveloped parcels. Prime virtual real estate carries a premium like in the real world. provides helpful data on the most expensive land sales and average LAND valuations over time. This can aid your buying decisions.

Here are some quick stats on Decentraland LAND:

  • Total LAND parcels – 90,601 divided into 206,224 virtual land tiles

  • All-time sales – 148,684 LAND parcels worth over $85M total

  • Average price – $2,867 per LAND (can range from $50 to $100,000+)

  • Most popular districts – Vegas City, Crypto Valley, Dragon City

Take your time browsing the marketplace to understand LAND valuations. Favorited parcels can be easily tracked.

Once you‘ve found the perfect virtual land for your needs, it‘s time to purchase!

Step 5: Buying Your Chosen LAND Parcel

When you find a LAND parcel you want, click "Buy" and your connected wallet will initiate the purchase.

Your wallet will prompt you to confirm the transaction and gas fees. The LAND NFT will then officially transfer to your ownership once confirmed on the Ethereum blockchain.

And congratulations, you are now a proud owner of virtual real estate in Decentraland!

Your new LAND will show up in your Inventory along with options to build scenes, structures, and more. The possibilities are endless!

Now let‘s go over some pro tips for choosing the best land parcels…

Choosing the Right Land – Valuations and Locations

Like physical real estate, location is everything when buying Decentraland LAND. But there are other factors that determine value too.

Here are key tips for picking ideal land parcels aligned with your goals:

  • Near central plazas/attractions – Land closer to popular spots like Vegas City Plaza trades at big premiums.

  • Development roadmap – Prioritize land in areas Decentraland plans to build up next.

  • Activity and traffic – Land near active scenes and events sees more foot traffic, raising its appeal.

  • Coordinated estates – Buying adjoining parcels lets you merge them into larger estates.

  • Size and dimensions – Bigger lands allow for more extensive development. Weird shapes can be limiting.

  • Future potential – Some fringe lands may later be developed and gain value.

  • Discounts – Look for bargains in secondary markets like OpenSea.

With these tips in mind, you can find land with the highest likelihood of appreciation. Butremember, virtual real estate is still highly speculative. Only invest what you can afford to lose.

Now let‘s explore what you can actually build and do with LAND in Decentraland…

Developing Your Own Virtual Land

Owning LAND gives you endless creative possibilities. You can build almost anything imaginable on your land using the Builder tool.

Some popular ways to develop parcels include:

  • Art galleries and scenes – Showcase NFT collections or interactive 3D artwork.

  • Stores and malls – Sell virtual goods and services for MANA or other cryptocurrencies.

  • Games – Develop mini-games that other users can play on your land.

  • Event spaces – Host virtual events like conferences, concerts, parties.

  • Rentals – Rent out land parcels to other users.

  • Real estate – Construct buildings and sell them as NFTs.

Decentraland makes development accessible to anyone through its easy-to-use Builder tool!

For inspiration, browse the many innovative scenes, games, and structures built by other LAND owners. The possibilities are endless!

Managing Your Land and Its Assets

As a LAND owner, you have full control over your parcels. Here are some management features to be aware of:

Customizing land – You can customize your land‘s name, description, images, and more. Get creative!

Access controls – Set whether your land is public, private, or restricted access only.

Reselling land – You can easily re-list LAND for sale at any time from your Inventory.

Renting out land – Set rental terms like pricing and availability which get listed in marketplace.

LAND taxes – Decentraland imposes a small tax on MANA earned from LAND owned.

Bundling land – You can bundle multiple parcels together into a larger estate for easier management.

NFT assets – Any NFTs like wearables and names you acquire are also stored in your Inventory.

As you can see, Decentraland gives you robust control over your digital assets. Now let‘s take a peek into the future…

The Future of Virtual Real Estate Investing

Virtual real estate investing is an emerging trend that‘s still in its early days. But where could this lead over the next 3-5 years and beyond?

Based on an analysis by Grayscale Investments, the metaverse real estate market could reach $1 trillion in value in the next few years. Driven by surging adoption of virtual worlds.

Additionally, the recent Metaverse Real Estate Report by Bloomberg predicts virtual real estate transactions topping $500 million in 2022 based on current growth rates.

As the world spends more and more time in virtual environments for work, play, and socializing, digital land and assets are poised to massively appreciate.

Decentraland has established itself as one of the leading metaverse platforms with the most vibrant virtual real estate market. Alongside competitors like The Sandbox, Cryptovoxels, and Somnium Space.

The decentralized nature of Decentraland provides advantages that bode well for future growth. But always evaluate risks before investing.

Buying virtual land now gets you in early. As mainstream adoption of metaverses accelerates, today‘s prices may look like absolute steals.

Pros and Cons of Buying Virtual Land

Before taking the plunge, consider some benefits and drawbacks:


  • True ownership of digital assets
  • Scarcity increases value
  • Creative development opportunities
  • Rental income potential
  • Fast-emerging new asset class


  • Very speculative investment
  • Vulnerable to hype cycles
  • Security risks from hackers
  • Platform dependent future

While not without risks, virtual land represents a high-upside opportunity for early adopters and believers in the open metaverse future.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

That covers everything you need to confidently buy, own, and develop virtual LAND parcels within the exciting world of Decentraland!

Here are the key takeaways:

  • Decentraland is a blockchain-based virtual world where you can buy LAND NFTs
  • LAND parcels give you ownership of digital real estate to build experiences on
  • Location heavily impacts land valuations – check desirability
  • Setup a compatible wallet, fund it with crypto, create an account
  • Browse land parcels in the marketplace and purchase
  • Manage and develop your LAND however you wish
  • Virtual real estate has major growth potential as metaverse adoption increases

Ready to stake your claim in the metaverse? Now you have all the knowledge to buy your first LAND parcels in Decentraland!

The future of digital ownership is here. I hope you‘re able to seize the immense opportunities this new frontier presents using the strategies outlined in this guide.

Happy metaversing!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.