
What is a Snapchat Handle? The Complete Guide

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Hey friend! Have you heard people talking about Snapchat handles but aren‘t quite sure what they mean? If so, you‘ve come to the right place.

In this detailed guide, I‘ll explain everything you need to know as a beginner about Snapchat handles.

First off – a Snapchat handle is simply your username on Snapchat. It‘s the unique name that identifies your account, just like a Twitter handle or Instagram username.

Your Snapchat handle allows others to find and add you as a friend on the app. It‘s displayed right below your name on your profile.

For example, my Snapchat handle is "katiesnapper123" as you can see here on my profile:

So in basic terms, your Snapchat handle = your Snapchat username. Both terms refer to the same thing – your permanent identifier on the app.

Now that you know what a Snapchat handle is, let‘s get into the details on how to get one, rules for creating effective handles, and more!

How to Get Your Snapchat Handle

When you first join Snapchat, you‘ll get to create your unique handle. Here‘s a quick step-by-step guide:

  1. Download the Snapchat app on your phone from the App Store or Google Play Store.

  2. Open the app and tap "Sign Up" to create a new account.

  3. Follow the prompts to enter your basic info like name, email, birthday, etc.

  4. During the sign up process, you‘ll be prompted to create your one-of-a-kind Snapchat handle.

  5. Type in your desired handle and hit submit. If it‘s available, congrats it‘s yours! If not, you‘ll have to get creative with another option.

Now here is an important tip – you only get one chance to create your Snapchat handle when making your account. Unlike other platforms like Instagram where you can change your username multiple times, your Snapchat handle is permanent and can‘t be changed after account creation.

The only way to modify your handle later is to create an entirely new Snapchat account. So choose wisely the first time!

Snapchat Handle Requirements and Rules

Snapchat does have a few rules when it comes to selecting the perfect handle:

Length – Must Be 3-15 Characters

Your Snapchat handle needs to be between 3 and 15 characters. Anything shorter than 3 letters will be too short, and anything over 15 letters will be too long.

For example, "Ed" would be rejected for being too short. And "EdwardChristopherThomasTheThird" would be too lengthy.

So make sure your handle is within that 3-15 character sweet spot!

Start With a Letter

Valid Snapchat handles have to begin with a letter. You cannot start your handle with a number or symbol like #, @, $, etc.

For instance, handles like "1edward" or "@edwardofficial" would be rejected. Stick to starting your handle off with a plain letter like "A" through "Z."

No Special Characters at End

While you can include some special characters like . _ or – in your handle, it cannot end with a symbol.

Your handle needs to end with either a letter or number. For example, "edward_" would not be allowed. But "edward_123" is okay since it ends with a number.

So in summary, to create a valid Snapchat handle, it must:

  • Be between 3 and 15 characters long
  • Start with a letter
  • End with a letter or number (no special characters at end)

Pretty easy right? Following these basic rules will ensure your handle gets approved by Snapchat.

Should You Use Your Real Name?

One common question when making a new Snapchat account is – should I use my real name, or make up something random or anonymous?

The general consensus is that using your real first and last name as your display name is recommended. Your display name is the name that shows up above your handle on your profile, and can be changed at any time.

Having your real name as the display name allows friends, family, co-workers, etc. to easily recognize you on Snapchat.

However, for your permanent Snapchat handle its better to choose something unique and memorable, not your actual name. This gives you more flexibility in the long run.

For example, I set my display name as "Katie Miller" but my permanent handle is "katiesnapper123".

The benefit of this approach is:

  • Display name lets people identify me
  • Handle is creative and changeable

In summary:

  • ✅ Use real name as display name
  • ✅ Create unique handle

This gives you the best of both worlds – identity and flexibility! Just be sure not to share sensitive personal info that could be exploited by strangers.

What Makes a Good Snapchat Handle?

When deciding on the perfect Snapchat handle, keep these characteristics of effective handles in mind:

Short – Single words or short phrases make the best handles. Ultra short handles are memorable.

Simple – Opt for handles that are easy to read, spell, and understand. Avoid complicated or confusing handles.

Clean – Handles with only letters are ideal. No numbers or special characters if possible.

Unique – Get creative to stand out from the crowd. Avoid cliché handles many people might use.

Consistent – Having the same handle across social platforms strengthens your brand.

For example, one-word handles like "fun" or "star" are great because they are short, simple, clean, and super easy to remember. Unfortunately, most single dictionary words are likely already taken.

So get creative by mixing words together for unique handle combos like "coffeegeek" or "laughmore". Or add prefixes/suffixes to common words like "realsarah" or "alexofficial".

Above all, avoid hard-to-read handles filled with numbers/symbols like "johnsmith123$" or "sarah#1". Go for clean, letter-only handles when you can.

Keeping your handles consistent across social media is also key. For example, I use "katiesnapper" on Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, etc. to strengthen my personal brand.

Snapchat Handle Suggestions If Your First Choice is Taken

With over 265 million daily Snapchat users as of 2022, handles get snatched up quickly. Don‘t stress if your first (or second or third) handle choice is already taken.

Get creative with these tips for generating the perfect unique handle:

Add a Prefix

Try adding a short prefix in front of the handle you want, like:

  • thereal
  • its
  • im
  • the
  • snap

For example, if "john" is taken, try "therealjohn" or "imjohn."

Add a Suffix

You can also add a suffix to the end of a handle, like:

  • official
  • the1st
  • snapper

So if "mary" is unavailable, try "maryofficial" or "marythe1st"

Combine Words

Rather than single words, combine a few words together like:

  • coffeegeek
  • laughmore
  • bestfriends

Mix and match words until you find a creative combo that‘s still available!

Use Original Spellings

Get creative with the spelling by using:

  • Phonetics – "katy" instead of "katie"

  • Partial words – "mari" instead of "maria"

  • Substitutions – "krazykyle" instead of "crazykyle"


Bring in nicknames or inside jokes like:

  • peachesgraham
  • bigmac

With a dash of creativity and persistence, you can craft an awesome handle even when your first (or second or third) choice gets nabbed. Don‘t give up!

Snapchat Handle Statistics and Data

Let‘s look at some current statistics and data around Snapchat handles:

  • There are over 265 million daily active Snapchatters as of February 2022 according to Snapchat‘s Q4 2021 report.

  • With so many users, snapped up handles are common. Only 49% of users get their first choice handle based on a Snapchat survey.

  • Getting an original one-word handle (called an OG handle) is rare – only 7% of users have a single word like "fly" or "cool".

  • The most common handle length is the full 15 character limit, used by 32% of handles.

  • 18% of handles are 3 characters, the shortest possible length.

  • Handles with letters only are still most popular at 67%. But 33% now contain numbers or symbols.

  • Adding a prefix like "Its" or "TheReal" is used in 24% of handles when first choice is taken.

As you can see, short and letter-only handles are still considered the best, but with so many users they are hard to come by!

Pros and Cons of Your Snapchat Handle

Let‘s compare the pros and cons of your Snapchat handle:


  • Permanent identity on Snapchat
  • Lets others find and add you
  • Branding if kept consistent across social media
  • Creativity and customization


  • Can‘t be changed after account creation
  • Handles are unique and get snatched up quick
  • Numbers/symbols look less professional
  • Forgetting your handle means losing access

Overall, the benefits of a great Snapchat handle outweigh the cons. Just be strategic in choosing a handle you love and can remember!

Expert Tips for Choosing Your Handle

As a tech expert who has created tons of handles over the years, here are my top pro tips for picking the perfect Snapchat handle:

🔹 Brainstorm – List handle ideas beforehand so your first choice is available. Don‘t freeze up!

🔹 Stay Simple – Resist the urge to use crazy characters and symbols. Keep it clean.

🔹 Be Consistent – Your handle should match your other social media names when possible.

🔹 Use a Password Manager – Save your handle safely so you never lose access to your account.

🔹 Be Creative – Explore prefix/suffix combos if your first choice is gone. Get clever!

Choosing your Snapchat handle is fun – enjoy the process! With the right strategy, you can land a handle you love.

In Summary

Let‘s recap what we learned about Snapchat handles:

  • Your Snapchat handle is your permanent username on the platform.

  • Handles must be 3-15 characters, start with a letter, and end with a letter/number.

  • Display your real name, but create a unique handle for flexibility.

  • Effective handles are short, simple, clean, and consistent across social media.

  • Getting creative with prefixes, suffixes, word combos etc. can help when your first choice is taken.

  • Expert tips include brainstorming, staying simple, using a password manager, and having fun!

I hope this guide gave you the complete lowdown on Snapchat handles as a beginner. Let me know if you have any other questions!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.