
The Complete Guide on How to Make a Group Chat on Snapchat

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Want an easy way to chat with all your best friends at the same time on Snapchat? Group chats are the answer!

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you through everything you need to know about creating and managing group chats on Snapchat. Whether you‘re a new or experienced Snapchatter, you‘ll learn some helpful tips.

By the end, you‘ll be a pro at making and using Snapchat groups to strengthen friendships! This guide has all the details you need, so let‘s get started.

What Exactly Are Snapchat Group Chats?

For those new to Snapchat, a group chat allows you to communicate with multiple friends at once privately. You can add up to 31 friends to a group (32 members total including you).

In a Snapchat group chat, you can:

  • Send snaps, messages, videos, and voice notes to the entire group.

  • Video chat together or send video notes.

  • Share memories and see what friends are up to.

  • Make plans and coordinate hangouts.

  • Play games together like Bitmoji Party.

  • Customize the group name and emoji icon.

  • Mute notifications temporarily or leave the group anytime.

Group chats are the perfect way to keep your favorite friend group connected on Snapchat!

According to Snapchat‘s 2021 trends report, over 90 million users engage in group chats daily. They‘ve become one of the app‘s most used features.

Plus, Snapchat group chats have some advantages over regular group messaging:

Privacy – Chats are encrypted and kept private from anyone not added.

Fun Features – Snapchat‘s lenses, stickers, and more make group chatting more exciting.

Notifications – You‘ll get notified when someone sends a snap or message in the group.

Customization – Change the name, emoji, admin roles, and more.

Now let‘s dive into how to create your own group chats…

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Snapchat Group

Creating a group on Snapchat only takes a few minutes. Just follow these simple steps:

1. Open Your Friends List

  • Open the Snapchat app and tap the chat bubble icon in the bottom left corner.

  • This will open your friends list and conversations.

2. Tap the New Chat Icon

  • At the top right, tap the icon that looks like a square with a pencil.

3. Select ‘New Group‘

  • A menu will appear. Tap ‘New Group‘ to create one.

4. Pick Group Members

  • Select which friends you want to add from your friends list. Tap up to 31.

5. Name the Group

  • Give your group a name and a relevant emoji if you want.

6. Tap ‘Create Group‘

  • Once done, tap the ‘Create Group‘ button at the bottom.

That‘s all it takes! The group chat will be made and open for you to start sending snaps.

Now let‘s go over some tips for managing your new group smoothly.

Tips for Managing Your Snapchat Group Chat

Being an admin of a Snapchat group chat comes with some responsibilities. Here are tips to manage your group effectively:

Add/Remove Friends

  • Easily add new friends at any time by tapping to add members.

  • But only admins can remove people in settings. Choose your admins wisely!

Mute Notifications

  • If the chat blows up, swipe into the group and mute notifications for up to 7 days.

Change Name or Emoji

  • To keep the group fresh, change the name or emoji in settings when needed.

Start Voice or Video Chat

  • Tap the video or phone icon to start a live voice or video talk with the group.

Limit Snaps

  • In settings, admins can limit how often snaps can be sent to prevent spamming.

Hide from Quick Add

  • You can hide the group from quick add recommendations so randoms don‘t join.

Using these tips will help you manage your group smoothly over time. But how many groups can you create?

How Many Snapchat Group Chats Can You Have?

One of the best things about Snapchat groups is that you can have an unlimited number of them!

Create specific friend groups, family chats, hobby groups and more. You can make as many groups as you want for all your connections.

The only limit is that each individual group chat can have up to 31 friends, totaling 32 members including yourself.

But you‘re free to start endless groups with different mixes of friends. Now let‘s look at some popular uses for Snapchat groups.

7 Fun Ways People Use Snapchat Group Chats

Snapchat groups have many great uses for friendship, family, work, hobbies, and more. Here are 7 fun ways people use them:

  1. Close Friends – Chat daily with your closest circle.

  2. Family Group – Stay connected with siblings, parents, cousins.

  3. Classmates – Discuss school, share notes, plan study sessions.

  4. Sports Team – Coordinate practices, share highlights, and chat.

  5. Gaming Friends – Organize gaming sessions and share your best clips.

  6. Book Club – Discuss the latest book reads together.

  7. Work Team – Collaborate on projects and bond with co-workers.

You‘re only limited by your imagination on ways to use group messaging for your needs! Next let‘s dig into some important settings.

Key Snapchat Group Chat Settings

Snapchat provides great options for customizing your group chats. Under the group settings menu, here are key options to know:

  • Add Members – Easily add new friends to the group chat.

  • Admins – Select 1-2 other admins to help manage settings.

  • Member List – See who‘s currently in the chat.

  • Mute Notifications – Mute chat alerts for up to 7 days.

  • Leave Group – Exit a chat you no longer want to be in.

  • Group Rules – Set rules like limiting how often media can be sent.

  • Group Access – Make group hidden in Quick Add results.

  • Delete Chat – Remove a group by deleting all members.

Using these settings well will optimize your groups. Now let‘s go over the group chat FAQs.

Common Snapchat Group Chat FAQs

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about Snapchat group messaging:

How many people can be in a Snapchat group?

Up to 32 members – yourself plus 31 friends.

Can you have multiple group chats?

Yes! You can make unlimited groups with different friends.

Do Snapchat groups drain your battery?

Potentially yes if it‘s very active. Mute notifications to improve battery life.

Can Snapchat groups be deleted?

Yes, by removing all members the group is essentially deleted.

Do messages count for streaks?

Unfortunately no. Only one-on-one snaps maintain streaks.

Can someone add me without consent?

No, you have to accept a notification to join a group.

How do you find your groups?

In your friends list, groups appear at the top with their emoji and name.

I hope these common FAQs clear up any lingering questions! Now let‘s go over some expert tips to take your group chats to the next level.

Pro Tips for next help level Snapchat Group Chats

Here are some pro tips and best practices for truly engaging group chats:

  • Assign roles – Have 1-2 co-admins to help manage settings and additions.

  • Create clever names – Come up with funny or creative names and relevant emoji.

  • Send reminders – Remind people to check the group if chatting has slowed.

  • Schedule meetups – Use the group chat to organize in-person activities.

  • Share memories – Relive fun times by sending old photos and videos.

  • Plan events – Coordinate group outings like movies, concerts, parties.

  • Send voice notes – Hold down the mic icon to send engaging audio messages.

  • Play games – Rally friends for friendly competitions in Bitmoji Party.

  • Mute large groups – Use do not disturb when big groups get too active.

Using these expert tips will liven up your group chats and bring friends closer on Snapchat!


I hope this complete guide gives you the confidence to create awesome Snapchat group chats with friends, family, teammates, classmates and all your connections.

Group messaging is one of Snapchat‘s most fun and useful features. Take advantage of it to strengthen bonds in your life!

Use the tips in this guide to make engaging groups, manage them smoothly, and become a Snapchat group chat pro.

Now get chatting with all your best friends at once. Group chats are great for sharing daily moments, making plans, playing games, and bringing your favorite people together.

Thanks for reading – now go make some great Snapchat groups!


Written by Alexis Kestler

A female web designer and programmer - Now is a 36-year IT professional with over 15 years of experience living in NorCal. I enjoy keeping my feet wet in the world of technology through reading, working, and researching topics that pique my interest.